33 So, how’s your little boat doing?

33 So, how’s your little boat doing?
Get a Better Boat
33 So, how’s your little boat doing?

Sep 18 2023 | 00:13:56

Episode 35 September 18, 2023 00:13:56

Hosted By

Jill Loree

Show Notes

About: The symbolism of the sea

The sea of life is always alternating between storms and sunny skies. Until one day, we reach our destination. And what is our destination? Firm land. It sounds backwards, but that’s what God’s Spirit World actually is. The firm ground of the divine is our true home. And getting there all depends on how we direct our little boat. How good are we at navigating life?

All essays | Get a Better Boat

We Can Heal | After the Ego • Blinded by Fear

Real. Clear. series | Holy Moly • Finding Gold • Bible Me This • The Pull • Pearls • Gems • Bones • Nutshells

Self. Care. series | Spilling the Script • Healing the Hurt • Doing the Work

More | Walker • Word for Word • Living Light • Spiritual Laws

Read Keys, a collection of Jill Loree's favorite Pathwork Questions & Answers, on The Guide Speaks

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